The Blessed Five: As Prince Pietro's adventure unfolds, he'll encounter numerous girls around his age who've been blessed by Lady Galariel, the guardian deity of Galariland. Because of their deep spiritual connection to the land, they'll immediately take a liking to him – and if his relationship with them can be fostered, their blessings may be shared with him as well, greatly aiding him in his quest.
A country girl from the village of Lampling in the Urbain Forest, located in Galariland's northwest. With the Urbain region being as mineral-rich as it is (especially in the forested sections), it should be no surprise that Emilia is simply nuts about quarrying, always wearing a hammer at her side that's been passed down to her by her father. Because her interests lie almost solely in the hunt for ore, she's often thought of by her fellow townsfolk as something of a tomboy, though she does have a bit of a secret "girly" side to her as well – she just doesn't feel entirely comfortable letting it show.